Jennifer Kolmetz
Academic Support Assistant, Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment
Getting on the Fast Track
The Dual Enrollment Program allows high school students to earn college credit while at the same time earning credits toward their high school diploma. Dual enrolled students have access to rigorous postsecondary courses while reducing the time and cost of completing a college certificate or degree.
Dual enrollment is authorized by Florida Statute 1007.271Dual Enrollment students must meet the following criteria:
- Have demonstrated prior high school academic achievement by attaining a minimum of a 3.0 unweighted cumulative grade point average for Associate in Arts courses or a 2.0 unweighted cumulative grade point average for career and technical courses.*
- Present qualifying designated placement test scores (CPT, PERT**, SAT or, ACT) for computation and communication courses.
- Obtain permission of a parent/guardian.
- Provide verification from the high school guidance counselor or verification of home school status with Bay, Gulf, or Franklin school districts.
You can take dual enrollment classes during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer term. (Courses are offered at the high school and on campus.)
The following courses and/or programs cannot be taken through dual enrollment:
- College preparatory courses
- Orientation courses
- Physical education courses
- Limited access programs
Dual enrollment grades are recorded on both college and high school transcripts.
For more information, please contact the Dual Enrollment Office at 850.747.3207.

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