Employee Directory
Name | Department/Division | Title | Phone Number | |
Rebecca Acton | Health Sciences | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.873.3589 | racton@gulfcoast.edu |
Antonio Adessi | Business & Technology | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5887 | aadessi@gulfcoast.edu |
Marty Adkins | Nursing | Instructional Assistant Coordinator, Simulation, Lab & Remediation | 850.769.1551 ext. 5597 | madkins4@gulfcoast.edu |
Debra Akins | Enrollment Services | Data Analyst | 850.769.1551 ext. 4894 | dakins@gulfcoast.edu |
Kim Allan | Business & Technology | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4022 | kallan@gulfcoast.edu |
Pam Allman | Administration & Finance | Finc & Risk Mgmt Sup Analyst | 850.872.3808 | pallman@gulfcoast.edu |
Stephen Alsleben | Military Education | Coordinator Veteran Services | 850.769.1551 ext. 3210 | salsleben@gulfcoast.edu |
Pavel Amromin | Visual & Performing Arts | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4874 | pamromin@gulfcoast.edu |
Amy Anderson | Workforce Board | Accounts Payable Clerk | aanderson@careersourcegc.com | |
Theresa Anderson | Administration - Academic Affairs | Exec Admin Asst Acad Affairs | 850.769.1551 ext. 3804 | tanders13@gulfcoast.edu |
Shelby Antolchick | Enrollment Services | Coordinator Records | 850.769.1551 ext. 2936 | santolchi@gulfcoast.edu |
William Archer | Student Affairs | Pathway Navigator | 850.769.1551 ext. 4023 | warcher@gulfcoast.edu |
Barbara Austin | Language & Literature | Writing & Reading Lab Supervisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2836 | baustin@gulfcoast.edu |
Kimberly Awls | Health Sciences | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 3248 | kawls@gulfcoast.edu |
Ursula Backus | Financial Aid | Director of Financial Aid | 850.873.3543 | ubackus@gulfcoast.edu |
Tommy Bacon | Bookstore & Mailroom | Bookstore Inventory Manager | 850.873.3584 | rbacon@gulfcoast.edu |
Leigh Bailey | Student Affairs | Coordinator III, Counseling and Career Services | 850.769.1551 ext. 4861 | lbailey@gulfcoast.edu |
Michelle Bailey | Workforce Board | Case Manager, WFB | 850.872.4340 | mbailey@careersourcegc.com |
Teresa Bailey Givens | TRiO | TRiO EOC Program Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 2902 | tbaileygi@gulfcoast.edu |
Brian Baillif | Visual & Performing Arts | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4865 | bbaillif@gulfcoast.edu |
Kyle Bakanovic | Information Technology Services | ERP Systems Analyst II | 850.769.1551 ext. 5823 | kbakanovi@gulfcoast.edu |
Ayrin Balilo | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Senior Employment Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 168 | abalilo@gulfcoast.edu |
Jennifer Barber | Health Sciences | Instructional Coordinator | 850.872.3837 | jbarber@gulfcoast.edu |
Littie Bayer | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | lbayer@gulfcoast.edu |
Robert Beach | Information Technology Services | IT Technician I, Media Srvcs | 850.769.1551 ext. 5808 | rbeach@gulfcoast.edu |
William Below | Wellness & Athletics | Head Coach Men's Basketball | 850.769.1551 ext. 3235 | wbelow@gulfcoast.edu |
Sabine Bennett | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Associate Director | 850.913.3286 ext. 3286 | sbennett5@gulfcoast.edu |
Fauzia Bhatti | Natural Science | Assistant Professor, Biology | 850.769.1551 ext. 2865 | fbhatti@gulfcoast.edu |
Savannah Blazer | Inline Learning & Library Services | Instructional Technologist | 850.769.1551 ext. 5806 | sblazer@gulfcoast.edu |
Kathy Bleday | Natural Science | Sr Admin Assistant | 850.872.3851 | kbleday@gulfcoast.edu |
Kimberly Bodine | Workforce Board | Executive Dir WFB | 850.913.3284 | kbodine@careersourcegc.com |
Melissa Bois | Health Sciences | Administrative Specialist, HS | 850.872.3827 ext. 3827 | mbois@gulfcoast.edu |
Paul Bonnette | Business & Technology | Instructional Coordinator Hospitality and Culinary/The Katherine Griffin Boatwright Endowed Chair for Hospitality Manage | 850.769.1551 ext. 6103 | pbonnette@gulfcoast.edu |
Cynthia Boshelle | Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning | Mental Health Professional | 850.769.1551 ext. 3598 | cboshelle@gulfcoast.edu |
Brandon Bowling | Language & Literature | Sr Admin Asst | 850.769.1551 ext. 3870 | bbowling@gulfcoast.edu |
Melanie Boyd | Business & Technology | Division Chair | 850.872.3839 | mboyd@gulfcoast.edu |
Charlotte Boyden | Nursing | Instructor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5523 | cboyden@gulfcoast.edu |
Jenna Brabham | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Coordinator | 850.872.3844 | jbrabham@gulfcoast.edu |
Patrick Brennan | Social Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2828 | pbrennan@gulfcoast.edu |
Matthew Brenneman | Mathematics | Math Lab Supervisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 3396 | mbrennema@gulfcoast.edu |
Michael Brinegar | Mathematics | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2857 | mbrinegar@gulfcoast.edu |
Matthew Brock | Language & Literature | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2871 | mbrock6@gulfcoast.edu |
Fleming Brooks | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | fbrooks@gulfcoast.edu |
Harold Brown | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | hbrown@gulfcoast.edu |
Joshua Brunson | Student Affairs | Coord, Student Activities | 850.769.1551 ext. 3498 | jbrunson3@gulfcoast.edu |
Terri Bunch | Natural Science | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5148 | tbunch@gulfcoast.edu |
Lori Bundy | Facilities Management | Lead Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | lbundy1@gulfcoast.edu |
Erica Burger Baillif | Visual & Performing Arts | Technical Coordinator VPA | 850.769.1551 ext. 2889 | eburger@gulfcoast.edu |
Karen Burkett | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | kburkett2@gulfcoast.edu |
Allison Burney | Administration - Academic Affairs | Professional Development Director | 850.769.1551 ext. 3250 | aburney1@gulfcoast.edu |
Lisa Burson | Testing | Testing Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3533 | lburson1@gulfcoast.edu |
Sarah Bus | Information Technology Services | Programmer Analyst III | 850.769.1551 ext. 3567 | sbus1@gulfcoast.edu |
Jerry Bushee | Workforce Board | Special Project Manager | jbushee@careersourcegc.com | |
Vicki Bynum | Health Sciences | Instructional Assistant Coordinator | 850.873.3591 | vbynum@gulfcoast.edu |
Victoria Byrd | Public Safety | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 5615 | vbyrd1@gulfcoast.edu |
Connie Campbell | Mathematics | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2812 | ccampbel2@gulfcoast.edu |
Christina Cantrell | Wellness & Athletics | Assistant Coordinator I, Aquatics | 850.769.1551 ext. 3832 | ccantrel1@gulfcoast.edu |
Caroline Capps | Nursing | Instructor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5510 | ccapps@gulfcoast.edu |
Kelley Childs | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Special Projects Specialist-WFC | 850.872.4340 ext. 101 | klong@gulfcoast.edu |
Heather Clark | Business Affairs | Payroll Analyst | 850.769.1551 ext. 3576 | hclark6@gulfcoast.edu |
Zach Cogburn | Information Technology Services | IT Technician I, Media | 850.769.1551 ext. 4813 | zcogburn@gulfcoast.edu |
Linda Cohen | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Career Manager - WIOA Youth | lcohen@gulfcoast.edu | |
Amber Coker | Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning | Director of Institutional Effectiveness | 850.913.3293 | acoker@gulfcoast.edu |
Nicolas Coleman | Information Technology Services | IT Technician I, Technical | 850.769.1551 ext. 3303 | ncoleman2@gulfcoast.edu |
Timothy Cox | Natural Science | Instructional Biology - Chemistry Lab Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 4824 | tcox1@gulfcoast.edu |
Matthew Crane | Natural Science | Assistant Professor, Biology | 850.769.1551 ext. 3332 | mcrane4@gulfcoast.edu |
Melinda Cumbaa | Health Sciences | Instructional Coordinator | 850.913.3312 | mcumbaa@gulfcoast.edu |
Sherri Davis | Information Technology Services | Webmaster | 850.873.3593 | sdavis@gulfcoast.edu |
Grant Deam | Language & Literature | Asst Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2875 | gdeam@gulfcoast.edu |
Eric Dees | Facilities Management | Grounds Services Representative | 850.769.1551 ext. 6033 | edees@gulfcoast.edu |
Tassalhie Dekouche | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Workforce Services Manager | 850.767.8165 | tdekouche@gulfcoast.edu |
Lauren Del Toro | Workforce Board | Director of Advancement and External Affairs | 850.769.1551 ext. 6010 | ldeltoro@gulfcoast.edu |
Jeffery deLucia | Information Technology Services | Director, Network Systems | 850.769.1551 ext. 3867 | jdelucia@gulfcoast.edu |
Earlie Dempsey | Facilities Management | Lead Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | edempsey1@gulfcoast.edu |
Angela Dew | Nursing | Instructor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5515 | adew1@gulfcoast.edu |
Janine Dexter | Workforce Board | Finance Director | 850.873.3528 | jdexter@careersourcegc.com |
Steven DiBlasi | Visual & Performing Arts | Assistant Professor of Music | 850.769.1551 ext. 2821 | sdiblasi@gulfcoast.edu |
John Divine | Visual & Performing Arts | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4025 | jdivine@gulfcoast.edu |
Joseph Donlan | Nursing | Faculty, Nursing Simulation | 850.769.1551 ext. 4125 | jdonlan@gulfcoast.edu |
Herbert Dorsey | Procurement | Receiving Inventory Associate | 850.769.5871 | hdorsey1@gulfcoast.edu |
Nicole Dorsey | Nursing | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5841 | ndorsey@gulfcoast.edu |
Mark Douglas | Inline Learning & Library Services | Instructional Designer | 850.769.1551 ext. 4150 | mdouglas@gulfcoast.edu |
Lori Driscoll | Inline Learning & Library Services | Exec Dir Online Lrn & Lib Svcs | 850.769.1551 ext. 5801 | ldriscoll@gulfcoast.edu |
Stephanie Driskill | Public Safety | Manager, Gulf Coast Criminal Justice Selection Center | 850.769.1551 ext. 5608 | sdriskill@gulfcoast.edu |
Ivalda Durkee | Enrollment Services | Admissions Counselor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2864 | idurkee@gulfcoast.edu |
Jessica Edwards | Natural Science | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 6020 | jedwards8@gulfcoast.edu |
Gregory Eller | Information Technology Services | Chief Information Officer | 850.872.3857 ext. 3857 | geller@gulfcoast.edu |
Sabrina Elliott | Health Sciences | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5888 | selliott7@gulfcoast.edu |
Fledia Ellis | Natural Science | Division Chair | 850.872.3848 | fellis@gulfcoast.edu |
Trendon Ellis | Business & Technology | Instr Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 4080 | tellis2@gulfcoast.edu |
Caleb Erskine | Broadcasting & Media Support | Coord Acc Ctrl Cap & Elec Svcs | 850.769.1551 ext. 5889 | cerskine@gulfcoast.edu |
Dana Erskine | Business & Technology | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3875 | derskine@gulfcoast.edu |
Bonnie Farr | Student Accessibility Resources | Associate Director Student Resource | 850.769.1551 ext. 4852 | bfarr@gulfcoast.edu |
Jasmine Faucett | Student Affairs | Pathway Navigator | 850.769.1551 ext. 3868 | jfaucett@gulfcoast.edu |
Louis Felter | Mathematics | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2854 | lfelter@gulfcoast.edu |
Dan Finley | Public Safety | Instructional Assistant Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5603 | dfinley@gulfcoast.edu |
Carrie Fioramonti | Natural Science | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4010 | cfioramon@gulfcoast.edu |
Tracey Fischer | Workforce Board | Accounting Coordinator | tfischer@careersourcegc.com | |
David Fistein | Social Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2826 | dfistein@gulfcoast.edu |
Cheryl Flax-Hyman | Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning | Executive Vice- President | 850.747.3215 | cflax-hyman@gulfcoast.edu |
Esther Fluharty | Testing | Coordinator Testing | 850.769.1551 ext. 3594 | efluharty@gulfcoast.edu |
Debbie Frady | Mathematics | Math Lab Tutor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4033 | dfrady@gulfcoast.edu |
Lacey Frank | Student Affairs | Pathway Navigator | 850.769.1551 ext. 3835 | lfrank1@gulfcoast.edu |
William Fravel | Business & Technology | Instructor Culinary BS | 850.769.1551 ext. 4019 | wfravel@gulfcoast.edu |
Lisa Fritch | TRiO | Assistant Director of TRiO | 850.769.1551 ext. 4074 | afritch@gulfcoast.edu |
Chrystal Fuller | Academic Affairs& Learn Supp | Academic & Career Coach | 850.769.1551 ext. 2829 | cfuller7@gulfcoast.edu |
John Fuller | Bookstore & Mailroom | Bookstore Associate | 850.769.1551 ext. 5810 | jfuller@gulfcoast.edu |
Mandy Gainey | Business & Technology | Instructor, Culinary Management | 850.769.1551 ext. 5852 | mgainey@gulfcoast.edu |
John Gehrken | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | jgehrken@gulfcoast.edu |
Alexander Giles | Nursing | Instructional Coordinator | 850.913.3317 | agiles3@gulfcoast.edu |
John Gillespie | Facilities Management | Maintenance Mechanic III | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | jgillespi@gulfcoast.edu |
Taylor Gilmore | Procurement | Exec Dir Procur and Aux Svcs | 850.769.1551 ext. 3843 | tgilmore1@gulfcoast.edu |
Ashlin Glatthar | Foundation | Executive Dir GCSC Foundation | 850.872.3812 | aglatthar@gulfcoast.edu |
Cody Goldman | Student Affairs | Activity Director, Guided Pathways to Success | 850.769.1551 ext. 5816 | cgoldman@gulfcoast.edu |
Timothy Golob | Social Science | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5872 | tgolob@gulfcoast.edu |
Kellie Gombio | Nursing | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 3238 | kgombio@gulfcoast.edu |
Brenda Good | Business Affairs | Senior Bookkeeper | 850.873.3534 | bgood@gulfcoast.edu |
Maria Goodwin | Workforce Board | Deputy Dir Operations & Prgrms | 850.873.3574 | mgoodwin@careersourcegc.com |
Lisa Gorey | Business Affairs | Senior Procurement Agent/Buyer | 850.769.1551 ext. 3841 | lgorey@gulfcoast.edu |
Mikaleh Graham | Information Technology Services | Programmer Analyst I | 850.769.1551 ext. 4820 | mgraham4@gulfcoast.edu |
Kevin Granberg | Public Safety | Coordinator II | 850.769.1551 ext. 5606 | kgranberg@gulfcoast.edu |
Martin Gray | Public Safety | Driving & Firing Range Coordinator II | 850.769.1551 ext. 2903 | mgray@gulfcoast.edu |
Monica Gray | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | mgray6@gulfcoast.edu |
Penny Green | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 3518 | pgreen@gulfcoast.edu |
Thelma Green | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | tgreen15@gulfcoast.edu |
Caleb Greenwood | Information Technology Services | IT Technician III | 850.769.1551 ext. 6076 | cgreenwo1@gulfcoast.edu |
Conner Griffith | Language & Literature | Writing Lab Tutor | 850.769.1551 ext. 1022 | cgriffit1@gulfcoast.edu |
John Griggs | Nursing | Instructional Coordinator | 850.913.3262 | jgriggs@gulfcoast.edu |
Michael Guynn | Information Technology Services | Programmer Analyst II | 850.769.1551 ext. 3820 | mguynn@gulfcoast.edu |
Jordan Hale | Business & Technology | Academic Program Support Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 3838 | jhale2@gulfcoast.edu |
Walter Hale | Academic Affairs& Learn Supp | Assistant Manager of Radio Production and Broadcasting | 850.769.1551 ext. 3507 | whale@gulfcoast.edu |
Wendy Hall | Human Resources | Recruit & Records Management Technician | 850.873.3512 | whall4@gulfcoast.edu |
Jennifer Hamilton | Social Science | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5850 | jhamilton@gulfcoast.edu |
Joan Hamm | Workforce Board | OJT Case Mgr WFB | 850.769.1551 ext. 5855 | jhamm@careersourcegc.com |
Chad Hammock | Language & Literature | Assistant Professor of English | 850.769.1551 ext. 2879 | chammock2@gulfcoast.edu |
BreAne Hampsher | Student Accessibility Resources | Program Assistant | 850.747.3243 | bhampsher@gulfcoast.edu |
Ashraf Hanafy | Natural Science | Assistant Professor, Biology | 850.769.1551 ext. 2866 | ahanafy@gulfcoast.edu |
Anita Hanson | Nursing | Student Success Mentor/Laboratory-Simulation Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 3360 | ahanson2@gulfcoast.edu |
Leslie Hapner | Business Affairs | Dean | 850.873.3511 | lhapner@gulfcoast.edu |
Bruce Harber | Public Safety | Division Chair | 850.769.1551 ext. 5601 | bharber@gulfcoast.edu |
Clifford Harris | Natural Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 1057 | charris@gulfcoast.edu |
Lloyd Harris | Student Affairs | Dean, Student Engagement | 850.769.1551 ext. 3211 | lharris@gulfcoast.edu |
Kim Harrison | Information Technology Services | Director Enterprise Systems | 850.873.3552 | kharrison@gulfcoast.edu |
Alexander Haruk | Natural Science | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2856 | aharuk@gulfcoast.edu |
Kris Hatcher | TRiO | Director of Trio Programs | 850.873.3526 | khatcher1@gulfcoast.edu |
Heather Hayes | Enrollment Services | Admissions Counselor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4892 | hhayes2@gulfcoast.edu |
Connie Head | Inline Learning & Library Services | Librarian | 850.769.1551 ext. 3366 | chead@gulfcoast.edu |
Jason Hedden | Student Recruitment | Executive Director, Recruitment & Community Relations | 850.769.1551 ext. 3326 | jhedden@gulfcoast.edu |
Matt Herndon | Business & Technology | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2846 | mherndon@gulfcoast.edu |
Alberto Herrera | Financial Aid | Financial Specialist & Verification Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 3240 | aherrera4@gulfcoast.edu |
Lara Herter | Continuing Education | Assistant Director, Continuing Education (Community & Education, Customized Training/Course Programming Industry) | 850.873.3583 | lherter@gulfcoast.edu |
Bryan Hibbard | Facilities Management | Maintenance Mechanic | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | bhibbard1@gulfcoast.edu |
Kathleen Higgins | Nursing | Associate Director, Grant Accounting | 850.769.1551 ext. 4072 | khiggins2@gulfcoast.edu |
Kara Hillard | Student Accessibility Resources | Assistant Coordinator | 850.872.3834 | khillard@gulfcoast.edu |
Corbett Hines | Workforce Board | Senior IT Manager | 850.913.3285 | chines@careersourcegc.com |
Melissa Hobbs | Nursing | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5843 | mhobbs2@gulfcoast.edu |
Ryan Hubbard | Social Science | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2834 | rhubbard2@gulfcoast.edu |
Merissa Hudson | Enrollment Services | Executive Director Enroll Mangement/Registrar | 850.769.1551 ext. 4888 | mhudson@gulfcoast.edu |
Sharon Hudson | Mathematics | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 3354 | shudson@gulfcoast.edu |
Daniel Hudson | Social Science | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2833 | dhudson@gulfcoast.edu |
Thomas Hughes | Information Technology Services | Network Systems Specialist III | 850.769.1551 ext. 6808 | thughes@gulfcoast.edu |
Elizabeth Humphries | Marketing & Communications | Coordinator II | 850.747.3216 | khooks@gulfcoast.edu |
Jacob Hunt | Information Technology Services | IT Technician I, Dsktp Sup Svs | 850.769.1551 ext. 6048 | jhunt1@gulfcoast.edu |
Marissa Hunt | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Intake Orient Asst CSGC WFC | 850.872.4340 ext. 104 | mhunt@gulfcoast.edu |
Oryna Hurbanova | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.872.5870 | ohurbanov@gulfcoast.edu |
Dana Hutchinson | Natural Science | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2859 | dhutchin1@gulfcoast.edu |
Christopher Infinger | Business & Technology | Instructor, Culinary Management | 850.769.1551 ext. 2848 | cinfinger@gulfcoast.edu |
Deicy Jimenez-Orozco | Language & Literature | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2880 | djimenez@gulfcoast.edu |
Terry Johnson | Information Technology Services | IT Technician I Dsktp Sup Svs | 850.769.1551 ext. 3379 | tjohnso51@gulfcoast.edu |
Seth Johnson | Administration - Academic Affairs | Assistant Coordinator, Production and Technical Support | 850.769.1551 ext. 5090 | sjohnso49@gulfcoast.edu |
Caleb Jordan | Business & Technology | Instructional Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 2842 | cjordan7@gulfcoast.edu |
Laura Justice | Health Sciences | Division Chair | 850.872.3828 | ljustice@gulfcoast.edu |
Charles Justice | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | cjustice1@gulfcoast.edu |
Mike Kandler | Wellness & Athletics | Athletic Director | 850.872.3897 | mkandler@gulfcoast.edu |
Christine Katzberger | Nursing | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5840 | ckatzberg@gulfcoast.edu |
Alexander Kelly | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 3869 | akelly15@gulfcoast.edu |
Elizabeth Kelly | Public Safety | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 5602 | ekelly@gulfcoast.edu |
Rebecca Kelly | Nursing | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5838 | rkelly@gulfcoast.edu |
Elizabeth Kirkland | Inline Learning & Library Services | Senior Administrative and Lib Asst | 850.769.1551 ext. 5800 | ekirklan5@gulfcoast.edu |
Jerrie Kirksey | Nursing | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5833 | jkirksey@gulfcoast.edu |
Kendra Kizziah | TRiO | Associate Director of TRiO | 850.769.1551 ext. 3344 | kkizziah@gulfcoast.edu |
Jennifer Kolmetz | Dual Enrollment | Academic Support Assist, Dual Enrollment | 850.769.1551 ext. 3207 | jkolmetz3@gulfcoast.edu |
Dawn Kraemer | Business Affairs | Senior Cashier | 850.769.1551 ext. 3879 | dkraemer@gulfcoast.edu |
Ashley Krawczynski | Health Sciences | Instructional Asst Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5881 | akrawczyn@gulfcoast.edu |
Kim Krutchek | Information Technology Services | Manager, Media Services | 850.769.1551 ext. 6032 | kkrutchek@gulfcoast.edu |
Kristi Krutchek | Mathematics | Asst Prof Math MS | 850.769.1551 ext. 2868 | kakrutche@gulfcoast.edu |
Holly Kuehner | Administration - Academic Affairs | Vice President Academic Affairs | 850.872.3803 | hkuehner@gulfcoast.edu |
Rory Kuhn | Wellness & Athletics | Head Coach Women Basketball | 850.913.3277 | rkuhn1@gulfcoast.edu |
Sherri LeCain | Business Affairs | Director, Financial Accounting | 850.769.1551 ext. 3519 | slecain@gulfcoast.edu |
David Lee | Business & Technology | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 6037 | dlee15@gulfcoast.edu |
Carrie Lewis | Enrollment Services | Associate Director Enrollment Services | 850.769.1551 ext. 4862 | clewis16@gulfcoast.edu |
Kodi Linton | Workforce Board | Special Projects - Summer Program Manager, Gulf and Franklin Counties | klinton@careersourcegc.com | |
Sherrie Lock | Continuing Education | Assistant Director, Continuing Education (Healthcare and Online Learning) | 850.872.3819 | slock@gulfcoast.edu |
Rosalie Lovelace | Business Affairs - Budget & Student Financial | Switchboard Operator/Receptionist | 850.769.1551 ext. 5051 | rlovelace@gulfcoast.edu |
Patrick Main | Information Technology Services | Network System Analyst | 850.873.3566 | pmain@gulfcoast.edu |
Kenneth Malachowsky | Natural Science | Assistant Professor, Biology | 850.769.1551 ext. 2863 | kmalachow@gulfcoast.edu |
Amanda Manning | Social Science | Instructional Coordinator for Education Programs | 850.769.1551 ext. 2869 | amanning3@gulfcoast.edu |
Tammy Marinuzzi | Visual & Performing Arts | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2890 | tmarinuzzi@gulfcoast.edu |
Candace Marmolejo | Health Sciences | Clinical Mgr, Instr Surg Srvcs | 850.769.1551 ext. 3324 | cmarmolej@gulfcoast.edu |
Sheila Martin | Gulf/Frankin Campus | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 5506 | smartin23@gulfcoast.edu |
Wendy Martin | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | wmartin8@gulfcoast.edu |
Keri Matheus | Nursing | Division Chair | 850.772.6695 | kmatheus@gulfcoast.edu |
Martha Matlock | Inline Learning & Library Services | Online Learning Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 6015 | mmatlock@gulfcoast.edu |
Gregory May | Public Safety | Coordinator II | 850.769.1551 ext. 5605 | gmay@gulfcoast.edu |
Jennifer McAtee | Visual & Performing Arts | Division Chair | 850.769.1551 ext. 3887 | jmcatee@gulfcoast.edu |
Nakia Mccray | Student Affairs | ACE Academic Support Lab Supervisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4426 | nmccray@gulfcoast.edu |
Katie McCurdy | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Executive Director, Community Engagement | 850.769.1551 ext. 3814 | kmccurdy2@gulfcoast.edu |
Glen McDonald | Administration - President's Office | President | 850.872.3800 | gmcdonald@gulfcoast.edu |
Julie McDuffie | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Advisor & Verification Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 3517 | jmcduffie@gulfcoast.edu |
Nicci Mcewen | TRiO | Educational Opportunity Center Advisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4073 | tmcewen@gulfcoast.edu |
Betty McKinnie | Language & Literature | Division Chair | 850.769.1551 ext. 2887 | bmckinnie@gulfcoast.edu |
Dunkin Mclane | Foundation | Asst Director, GCSC Foundation | 850.872.3810 | dmclane@gulfcoast.edu |
Angela McLane | Workforce Board | Director of Workforce Services, Bay County | amclane@careersourcegc.com | |
Adam Melander | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | amelander@gulfcoast.edu |
Resa Melvin | Bookstore & Mailroom | Bookstore Associate | 850.769.1551 ext. 5810 | rmelvin1@gulfcoast.edu |
Ric Mensitieri | Mathematics | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5875 | rmensitie@gulfcoast.edu |
John Mercer | Administration & Finance | Vice President, Administration & Finance | 850.872.3807 | jmercer@gulfcoast.edu |
Michael Merlo | Facilities Management | Maintenance Mechanic | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | mmerlo1@gulfcoast.edu |
Tiffany Messick | Language & Literature | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2886 | tmessick1@gulfcoast.edu |
June Middleton | TRiO | TRiO Tutoring Lab Supervisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4075 | zmiddleto@gulfcoast.edu |
Tamara Miller | Information Technology Services | Executive Administrative Assistant | 850.747.3222 | tmiller23@gulfcoast.edu |
Jason Mitchell | Language & Literature | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2877 | jpmitchel@gulfcoast.edu |
Tara Mizell | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Advisor & Verification Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 3313 | tmizell1@gulfcoast.edu |
Russell Moranor | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | rmoranor@gulfcoast.edu |
Tyler Morgan | Business Affairs | Associate Director Grant Accounting | 850.873.3563 | jmorgan1@gulfcoast.edu |
Karen Morris | Broadcasting & Media Support | Radio Production Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3253 | kmorris15@gulfcoast.edu |
Bruce Morrison | Information Technology Services | Associate Director, Enterprise Systems | 850.769.1551 ext. 5820 | bmorrison@gulfcoast.edu |
Jeremy Murray | Information Technology Services | IT Technician II Dsktp Sup Svs | 850.769.1551 ext. 6045 | jmurray3@gulfcoast.edu |
Jason Namey | Language & Literature | Assistant Professor of English | 850.769.1551 ext. 2872 | jnamey@gulfcoast.edu |
Judy Neely | Nursing | Administrative Specialist, Nursing | 850.769.1551 ext. 4837 | jneely4@gulfcoast.edu |
Stacey Nelson | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Community Engagement Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 3806 | snelson12@gulfcoast.edu |
Lacy Newsom | Health Sciences | Instructional Coordinator | 850.913.3318 | lnewsom@gulfcoast.edu |
Lindsey Nix | Enrollment Services | Application Process Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 4866 | lnix1@gulfcoast.edu |
Daniela Oestreich | Business & Technology | Instructor, Digital Media | 850.769.1551 ext. 4239 | doestreic@gulfcoast.edu |
Liam O'Leary | Inline Learning & Library Services | Coordinator I | 850.769.1551 ext. 5804 | loleary@gulfcoast.edu |
Megan Olson | Health Sciences | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5802 | molson4@gulfcoast.edu |
Joseph Otte | Business & Technology | Instr Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 4012 | jotte@gulfcoast.edu |
Stephani Ouimette | Nursing | Assistant Professor Nursing | 850.769.1551 ext. 5817 | souimette@gulfcoast.edu |
Dawn Owen | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | dowen@gulfcoast.edu |
Keith Owens | Mathematics | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5877 | kowens@gulfcoast.edu |
Adam Padgett | Health Sciences | Instructional Assistant Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 6180 | apadgett@gulfcoast.edu |
Brittany Page | Health Sciences | Instructional Coordinator | 850.873.3551 | bpage2@gulfcoast.edu |
Chuck Palmieri | Information Technology Services | Director, Tech Supp Srvcs | 850.873.3536 | cpalmieri@gulfcoast.edu |
Jason Parker | Facilities Management | Chief, Facilities Management & Construction | 850.872.3865 | mparker16@gulfcoast.edu |
Brendan Patterson | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | bpatters4@gulfcoast.edu |
Cara Pattinato | Business & Technology | Instructional Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 2845 | cpattinat@gulfcoast.edu |
Alicia Payne | Student Affairs | Pathway Navigator/OLAS | 850.769.1551 ext. 5863 | apayne7@gulfcoast.edu |
Wendy Payne | Business & Technology | Professor | 850.872.3876 | wpayne@gulfcoast.edu |
Brenton Peacock | VBOC | Director VBOC | 850.769.1551 ext. 3327 | bpeacock@gulfcoast.edu |
Vincent Pelligrino | Visual & Performing Arts | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2888 | vpelligri@gulfcoast.edu |
Melanie Pelton | Social Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2825 | mpelton@gulfcoast.edu |
Melanie Pendergrass | Nursing | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5830 | mpendergr@gulfcoast.edu |
Cynthia Penny | Student Affairs | Academic Advisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 3268 | cpenny@gulfcoast.edu |
Donna Peterson | Student Affairs | Assistant, Navigation Center | 850.769.1551 ext. 6682 | dwpeterson@gulfcoast.edu |
Marcus Phelps | Facilities Management | Groundskeeper | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | mphelps2@gulfcoast.edu |
John Phillips | Social Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2827 | jpphillips@gulfcoast.edu |
Danielle Pierce | TRiO | Assistant Director, TRIO Upward Bound | 850.769.1551 ext. 3397 | dpierce@gulfcoast.edu |
Jada Pierce | TRiO | TRiO Media Application Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 4027 | jpierce9@gulfcoast.edu |
Sarah Pilcher | Language & Literature | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2883 | spilcher@gulfcoast.edu |
Connie Pimentel | Health Sciences | Academic Program Specialist | 850.913.3311 | cpimentel@gulfcoast.edu |
Katrina Pless-Brooks | Student Accessibility Resources | Learning Manager | 850.769.1551 ext. 4854 | kplessbro@gulfcoast.edu |
Theresa Porter | Health Sciences | Instructional Assistant Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5835 | tporter1@gulfcoast.edu |
Connor Powers | Business & Technology | Engineering Technician | 850.769.1551 ext. 2837 | cpowers2@gulfcoast.edu |
Gretta Preston | Military Education | Coordinator I | 850.283.2323 | tpreston@gulfcoast.edu |
Hadley Pridgen | Mathematics | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 3345 | hpridgen@gulfcoast.edu |
Debbie Pringle | Health Sciences | Receptionist Health Science | 850.872.3833 | dpringle@gulfcoast.edu |
Amanda Reed | Human Resources | Director, HRIS & Employee Services | 850.769.1551 ext. 3516 | areed9@gulfcoast.edu |
Angelia Reynolds | Mathematics | Division Chair | 850.872.3852 | areynolds@gulfcoast.edu |
James Richards | Enrollment Services | Transcript Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 4890 | jrichard7@gulfcoast.edu |
Jackson Richert | Wellness & Athletics | Operations Specialist Wellness/Athletics | 850.769.1551 ext. 3831 | jrichert@gulfcoast.edu |
Katherine Riley | Language & Literature | Associate Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2881 | kriley4@gulfcoast.edu |
Devin Rings | Language & Literature | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2878 | drings@gulfcoast.edu |
Mark Rissmann | Facilities Management | Facilities Maintenance Supervisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 6033 | mrissmann@gulfcoast.edu |
Stephen Roberts | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Business Consultant/Budget Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 3325 | srobert28@gulfcoast.edu |
Gregory Robinson | Natural Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2853 | grobinso4@gulfcoast.edu |
Martha Ruder | Nursing | Instructional Coordinator | 850.913.3314 | mruder@gulfcoast.edu |
David Russell | Inline Learning & Library Services | Assistant Director Library Services | 850.769.1551 ext. 5811 | drussel10@gulfcoast.edu |
Kristen Russell | Language & Literature | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2882 | krussell9@gulfcoast.edu |
Cathy Rutherford | Workforce Board | Case Manager WFB | 850.227.9670 ext. 5504 | crutherford@careersourcegc.com |
Jason Salter | Information Technology Services | IT Technician I, Technical | 850.769.1551 ext. 3303 | jsalter@gulfcoast.edu |
Rebecca Samarripa | Workforce Board | Communications Manager | bsamarripa@careersourcegc.com | |
Bob Saunders | Social Science | Division Chair | 850.872.3826 | rsaunder2@gulfcoast.edu |
Ben Schmidt | Business Affairs | Director Student Accounting | 850.873.3562 | bschmidt@gulfcoast.edu |
Jovan Scott | Information Technology Services | IT Technician I, Media | 850.769.1551 ext. 4563 | jscott22@gulfcoast.edu |
Tracy Sewell | Business & Technology | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4826 | tsewell@gulfcoast.edu |
Pavlo Shanin | Information Technology Services | IT Technician II, Media Srvcs | 850.769.1551 ext. 6021 | pshanin@gulfcoast.edu |
Jennifer Shaw | Mobile HomeTie Down Grant | Program Manager, Mobile Home Tie-Down Program | 448.201.6882 | jshaw6@gulfcoast.edu |
Darren Sheffield | Facilities Management | Lead Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | dsheffield@gulfcoast.edu |
Arrash Shekari | Business & Technology | Director of the Technology Center for Emergency Response and Unmanned Vehicle Systems | 850.769.1551 ext. 4051 | ashekari@gulfcoast.edu |
Barry Shelley | Facilities Management | Technician I, Heat/Air Cond | 850.913.3279 | bshelley@gulfcoast.edu |
Gary Shepherd | Facilities Management | Maintenance Mechanic II | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | gshepherd@gulfcoast.edu |
Valaree Shuler | Health Sciences | Instructor, Dental | 850.769.1551 ext. 2819 | vshuler1@gulfcoast.edu |
Janice Skipper | Health Sciences | Instructional Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 3390 | jskippe10@gulfcoast.edu |
Alexandria Sledd | Student Affairs | Pathway Navigator | 850.769.1551 ext. 3472 | asledd@gulfcoast.edu |
Kristal Smallwood | Gulf/Frankin Campus | Director, Gulf Franklin Center | 850.769.1551 ext. 5503 | ksmallwoo@gulfcoast.edu |
Alexzandrea Smith | Enrollment Services | Degree Works Analyst | 850.769.1551 ext. 3110 | asmith117@gulfcoast.edu |
David Smith | Nursing | Director, Inter-professional Simulation Center | 850.769.1551 ext. 6671 | dsmith63@gulfcoast.edu |
Brandon Smith | Academic Affairs& Learn Supp | Manager, Television Production & Broadcasting | 850.769.1551 ext. 4868 | bsmith10@gulfcoast.edu |
Sarah Snider | Inline Learning & Library Services | Librarian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5803 | ssnider@gulfcoast.edu |
Enrique Soto | Testing | Testing Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3242 | esoto3@gulfcoast.edu |
Emily Speakman | Health Sciences | Instructional Assistant Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5846 | espeakma1@gulfcoast.edu |
Scott Spencer | Mathematics | Academic Technology Specialist | 850.747.3229 | sspencer@gulfcoast.edu |
Kelly Spriggs | Nursing | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 6102 | kspriggs@gulfcoast.edu |
Dreama St Romain | Enrollment Services | Graduation Specialist | 850.769.1551 ext. 2852 | dstromain@gulfcoast.edu |
Frederick Stevenson | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Electronics Engineer/UVS Pilot | 850.769.1551 ext. 4052 | fstevenso@gulfcoast.edu |
Miranda Stewart | Health Sciences | Instructional Coordinator | 850.747.3244 | mstewart@gulfcoast.edu |
Gregory Stiles | Facilities Management | Associate Dir, Fac Planning and Const | 850.772.6681 | gstiles@gulfcoast.edu |
Patricia Strayer | Gulf/Frankin Campus | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 5501 | pstrayer@gulfcoast.edu |
Patty Stroup | Business Affairs | Senior Bookkeeper Accounts Payable | 850.873.3557 | pstroup@gulfcoast.edu |
Dan Surber | Natural Science | Chemistry/Physics Tutor | 850.769.1551 ext. 1098 | dsurber@gulfcoast.edu |
Rachael Switzer | VBOC | Project Coordinator VBOC | 850.769.1551 ext. 5891 | rswitzer@gulfcoast.edu |
Pamela Tanner | Human Resources | Coordinator, Benefits & Compliance | 850.769.1551 ext. 3877 | ptanner@gulfcoast.edu |
Barry Taylor | Facilities Management | Custodial Services Supervisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 6024 | btaylor19@gulfcoast.edu |
Tammi Taylor | Nursing | Instructional Assistant Coordinator, Practical Nursing and CNA Programs | 850.769.1551 ext. 5521 | ttaylor4@gulfcoast.edu |
Ryan Terry | Broadcasting & Media Support | Director, Broadcasting & Production | 850.769.1551 ext. 5886 | rterry2@gulfcoast.edu |
Crystal Tharp | Health Sciences | Sr Admin Assistant | 850.873.3542 | ctharp1@gulfcoast.edu |
Terri Thomas | TRiO | Coordinator of TRiO | 850.769.1551 ext. 4819 | tthomas3@gulfcoast.edu |
Kayley Thomas | Language & Literature | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2873 | kthomas28@gulfcoast.edu |
Nelson Thomas | Wellness & Athletics | Head Coach Women's Softball | 850.769.1551 ext. 3202 | nthomas1@gulfcoast.edu |
David Thomasee | Administration - President's Office | Executive Director, Operations | 850.769.1551 ext. 3582 | dthomasee@gulfcoast.edu |
Cornelius Thompson | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | cthomps22@gulfcoast.edu |
Eric Thompson | Facilities Management | Lead Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | ethompso6@gulfcoast.edu |
Keandre Thompson | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | kthomps26@gulfcoast.edu |
Shelly Thornton | Nursing | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5834 | sthornto3@gulfcoast.edu |
Chaz Torres | Information Technology Services | Programmer Analyst I | 850.769.1551 ext. 3391 | ctorres1@gulfcoast.edu |
Michael Turnage | Information Technology Services | Assistant Manager Tech Support | 850.769.1551 ext. 3303 | mturnage@gulfcoast.edu |
Lisa Tyus | Nursing | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.872.3829 ext. 3829 | ltyus@gulfcoast.edu |
Danyelle Vanderheide | Visual & Performing Arts | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3886 | dalexand2@gulfcoast.edu |
Tina Vidrine | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | tvidrine1@gulfcoast.edu |
Rose Wadman | Student Affairs | Pathway Navigator (Grant Funded) | 850.769.1551 ext. 3471 | rwadman@gulfcoast.edu |
Ryan Walding | Nursing | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 5522 | jwalding@gulfcoast.edu |
Shannon Walding | Workforce Board | Director, Quality Assurance | 850.873.3581 | swalding@careersourcegc.com |
Beth Wall | Public Safety | Instructional Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5612 | bwall@gulfcoast.edu |
Kelli Walsingham | Student Affairs | Dean Student Life | 850.769.1551 ext. 3514 | kwalsingham@gulfcoast.edu |
Jody Walton | Social Science | Senior Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3825 | jwalton1@gulfcoast.edu |
Stephen Walton | Facilities Management | Technician I, Heat/Air Cond | 850.769.1551 ext. 4425 | swalton2@gulfcoast.edu |
Kevin Ward | Workforce Development CareerSource - GC | Electronics Enginr/BLOS Pilot | 850.769.1551 ext. 3200 | kward9@gulfcoast.edu |
Brenda Washington | Facilities Management | Administrative Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3295 | bwashington@gulfcoast.edu |
Sierra Watson | TRiO | Educational Opportunity Center Advisor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5813 | swatson22@gulfcoast.edu |
Jeannie Waxenfelter | Workforce Board | Special Project Manager | JWaxenfelter@careersourcegc.com | |
Jamie Webb | Natural Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 2858 | jwebb@gulfcoast.edu |
Marisa Weiman | Academic Affairs& Learn Supp | Radio Production Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 4130 | mweiman@gulfcoast.edu |
Brittany Weisensale | Marketing & Communications | Director, Marketing and Communications | 850.769.1551 ext. 3822 | bweisensa@gulfcoast.edu |
Jason Wenzel | Social Science | Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 4817 | jwenzel@gulfcoast.edu |
Chris Westlake | Financial Aid | Executive Director of Student Financial Services | 850.747.3212 | cwestlake@gulfcoast.edu |
Daryl White | Public Safety | Associate Director, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Programs | 850.769.1551 ext. 5613 | dwhite6@gulfcoast.edu |
Samantha Wielock | Health Sciences | Temp FT-Faculty Instructor | 850.769.1551 ext. 3390 | swielock@gulfcoast.edu |
Scott Wilkes | Student Affairs | Associate Director | 850.769.1551 ext. 6014 | swilkes@gulfcoast.edu |
Dewy Willey Powell | Workforce Board | Senior Special Projects Manager | dpowell@careersourcegc.com | |
Darlene Williams | Human Resources | Human Resource Assistant | 850.769.1551 ext. 3894 | dwillia73@gulfcoast.edu |
Jennifer Wilson | Mathematics | Assistant Professor | 850.769.1551 ext. 5252 | jwilson47@gulfcoast.edu |
Carlas Wodford | Workforce Board | Career Manager Supervisor | 850.767.3212 | cwodford@careersourcegc.com |
Laurie Womble | Health Sciences | Instructional Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5842 | lwomble@gulfcoast.edu |
Lee Wood | Human Resources | Executive Director HR | 850.872.3866 | lwood10@gulfcoast.edu |
Eva Woods | Workforce Board | WIOA Program Manager | ewoods@careersourcegc.com | |
Alysia Word | Public Safety | Instructional Assistant Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5621 | aword@gulfcoast.edu |
Teresa Wortman | Administration - President's Office | Executive Assistant to the President | 850.769.1551 ext. 3801 | twortman@gulfcoast.edu |
Sharon Yarbrough | Wellness & Athletics | Coord III Well and Athl | 850.872.3885 | syarbroug@gulfcoast.edu |
Jason Yee | Information Technology Services | Network System Analyst | 850.769.1551 ext. 5818 | jyee@gulfcoast.edu |
Patty Young | Enrollment Services | Admissions Counselor | 850.872.3823 | pyoung1@gulfcoast.edu |
Connie Youngblood | Facilities Management | Custodian | 850.769.1551 ext. 5870 | cyoungbl1@gulfcoast.edu |
Steven Youngblood | Academic Affairs& Learn Supp | Chief Engineer/Coordinator of Electronic Equipment | 850.769.1551 ext. 5859 | syoungbl4@gulfcoast.edu |
Tyler Younger | Wellness & Athletics | Head Baseball Coach | 850.769.1551 ext. 3256 | tyounger@gulfcoast.edu |
Liliana Zamora | Public Safety | Instructional Coordinator | 850.769.1551 ext. 5632 | lzamora@gulfcoast.edu |
Li Zimmerman | Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning | Director Institute Research Assessment & Planning | 850.769.1551 ext. 2847 | lzimmerma@gulfcoast.edu |