TAR - Technical Architecture
(Offered fall). Prerequisite: ARC1302C. Corequisite: TAR2122L. A continuation of Architectural Drafting with emphasis on light construction principles. The student will design a multi-level residence and develop all details, presentation drawings, and a scale model.
(Offered fall). Prerequisite: ARC1302C. Corequisite: TAR2122. Investigation and implementation of TAR 2122 lecture content with emphasis on drafting solutions using computer-aided design system.
(Offered spring). Prerequisite: ARC1302C. Corequisite: TAR2154L. A continuation of Architectural Drafting with emphasis on structural and mechanical systems design. Students will design a commercial building of their choice, making a complete set of details and presentation drawings. Emphasis will be placed on using computer-aided design and equipment software.
(Offered spring). Prerequisite: ARC1302C. Corequisite: TAR2154. Investigation and implementation of TAR 2154 lecture content with emphasis on drafting solutions using computer-aided design system.