Association of Florida Colleges, more commonly known as AFC, is a professional organization open to all community and state college employees (full and part time), adjunct instructors and affiliates. AFC serves as our voice in Tallahassee and are experts in making the right contacts throughout the legislative network and gaining access to our state’s decision makers.
AFC is also about professional development. There are several opportunities provided during the year to join your colleagues and discuss problems and determine solutions. AFC’s 15 active commissions provide the primary vehicle to fulfill its mission of discussing and improving matters related to college educational programs, curriculum development, innovative administrative and instructional procedures, and the general professional environment of Florida’s great 28 community and state colleges.
Please give serious consideration to joining and sharing the benefits with the more than 8,000 AFC members of the “Great 28” Florida College System to further the educational excellence of Gulf Coast State College.
2024 Contest pictures and videos