Coordinator, Health Sciences, Surgical Services
Career Opportunities Overview
Educational opportunities abound to gain entry into the surgical arena. It just depends on your particular area of interest. The team members include the Surgeon, the First Assistant, the Surgical Scrub, the Circulator, and Anesthesia. Supporting roles in the operating room includes the Support Personnel who transport patients and maintain the operating room, Central Supply Technicians, or inventory control personnel. Each job role can be performed by a variety of credentialed people. Some job roles can be performed by individuals who have cross trained in those areas, while others require very specific training, testing, and licensure to be able to perform that role. As we go through each career, you will gain insight regarding each credential. For information on the Surgeon, Anesthesia, or First Assistant, go to the advanced training segment of "Your Career" above. As you look at each page below, you will find the educational requirements and employment information for each career.