Coordinator, Health Sciences, Surgical Services
Surgical Technologist in Panama City
Gulf Coast State College overlooks the beautiful bay and shores of Panama City Beach. Each year a new group starts the core surgical technology classes as strangers in August and then finish as lifelong friends in December.
Currently, we accept 20 students each year for the August start date. The deadline to apply is the first working day of June. (Applications will be accepted after the deadline provided space is available in the program.)
Prerequisite Classes: Surgical Anatomy and Physiology and Medical Terminology are key preparation courses along with Orientation to Perioperative Services and Lab, and Microbiology. These classes are offered in August of the Fall semester each year. All students who are applying to the program can take the prerequisite classes to visit the clinical site and be sure that you want to continue in January for the core classes.
Class selection is finalized the first two weeks of December and is dependent on all application requirements. Contact Brittany Page at for advising, registration, and information on the application process.
We currently have a four bed mock surgery unit with scrub sink and instrument processing area. Our local hospitals provide excellent support and donate many items so that the mock surgeries completed on site as a realistic as possible. We simulate breast biopsy, hernia repair, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and abdominal hysterectomy on site with many devices. Our functional laparoscopic towers and laparoscopic trainers allow students to practice actual maneuvers they will be expected to perform in the clinical site.
The program is very intense with scheduled hours of class, lab, and clinical. Please email for a request of the sample calendar to In addition, it is expected that you will devote two to three hours a day (everyday) for homework to keep up with assignments and study. It is a rigorous training regime designed to prepare you to assist in actual hands-on patient surgical cases. Our graduates are professionals and are taught a high standard of care.