Student Union West, 2nd Floor, Rooms 260 and 261
850.769.1551 ext. 2916
Math Lab Supervisor
Matthew Brenneman
850.769.1551 ext. 3396
Need Help with Math?
The Math Lab is here to help you and offers free tutoring in developmental mathematics up through Calculus I, including Math for Liberal Arts, Statistics and Health Math. We encourage you to come do your math homework in the lab so you can ask questions as you practice the material.
The Math Lab is a fun learning environment where you can ask questions, study and learn how to become successful in your math classes. We also have computers so that you can watch course videos and utilize online resources.
Hours subject to change
The Math Lab is now offering online tutoring for online and in-class students.
Walk-In Tutoring
Online Tutoring/Zoom

More Than Just a Place for Tutoring
"The Math Lab is more than just a place for tutoring; it is a community dedicated to empowering students to reach their full potential in mathematics and beyond. I am grateful for the transformative impact it has had on my life and education. I struggled with math anxiety and a false belief that I wasn’t good at math. I started coming to the Math Lab for help and a quiet place to get all of my work done. It has good vibes and is very chill in there—exactly what I need. My grades began to soar, and I got A’s on all my tests with help from the Math Lab. Now, as a tutor in the same lab where I once sought help, I am honored to pay it forward by assisting other students on their own academic journeys. You become like family, and we have a lot of fun in there (yes, even doing math)! We’re here to help you evolve into the highest version of yourself and take pride in creating a safe, relaxing space that is free of judgment."
-Michael Ackeret, Former Student and Current Lab Tutor
An Environment for Productivity
" The Math Lab created an environment for me to be productive in my studies, helped me strengthen my week points in math. It's a super special place because if the nice tutors that help."
-Justin Kwateng, Current GCSC Student

Support Beyond the Classroom
When I started at Gulf Coast, I didn’t initially think I was going into healthcare. Using my Veteran Education benefits, I had my heart set on engineering, due to my love of science and math.
As I progressed through the program and classes. I realized this wasn’t what I wanted. When I discovered the Respiratory Care program, I knew at that moment this is what I really wanted to study.
All of the time and work I spent in the Math Lab forged my skills for not only math, but critical problem solving, communication, and comprehension of complex information. All things that helped me be a successful Respiratory Therapy Student! The experience I gained in the Math Lab has served me well beyond the classroom. If it was not for that place, those people, and their dedication, I would not be where I am today!
-Darian Furtaw, Respiratory Care Student