Associate Professor, Language and Literature
850.769.1551 ext. 2871
Senior Administrative AssistantBrandon Bowling
English, AA
What Can You do with an English Major? What Can't You do with an English Major?
The purpose of the English transfer track is to prepare you for entry into upper‐division studies in English. A Bachelor of Arts in English will prepare you for further studies in English, writing, and literature as well as other graduate programs, including law and graduate business school. As Rachel Reiser, assistant dean at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business, observes, businesses want workers who have not only technical knowledge but also “the ability to think, the ability to write, the ability to understand the cultural or historical context of whatever business decision they’re making."
A Bachelor of Arts in English can also pave the way for careers in journalism, public relations, and other fields that require communications skills. The English transfer track also enables you to enter English education programs and become certified to teach English on the middle school and high school levels.

English Course Requirements
Biological Science
Recommended electives: Further English, Literature, and/or writing courses taught in the Language and Literature Division.
A complete list of courses with descriptions can be found in the Catalog
What can you do with a n English Degree?
In this field, people find careers as:
Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education
Library Technicians
Technical Writers
Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers
Gulf Coast alumni of this program have continued their education at:
Florida State University

English Majors have gone into many fields:
- Law
- Social Services
- Editing
- Publish
- Education
- Teaching
- Government
- Journalism
- Computer Science
- Acting
Don't believe us? Maybe you will recognize some of these famous English Majors...
- Tommy Lee Jones
- Paul Newman
- Joan Rivers
- Jill Biden
- Conan O'Brien
- Sally Ride
- Joan Cusack
- David Duchovny
- Dave Barry

Meet Douglas Wells
"The Division of Language and Literature English professors at Gulf Coast State College are experts in providing students with compositional proficiency, literary analysis techniques, and critical thinking skills. The faculty’s commitment to student success is emphasized by their classroom teaching methods which nurture students’ enthusiasm for learning. " – English ProfessorAre you ready to Get Started?
Apply to GCSC
Visit the Gulf Coast admissions page to learn more about the application process.
Consult the Gulf Coast State College Catalog for specific program and course information.
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There are many options available to help you pay for college. Find out more about scholarships and financial aid at Gulf Coast State College.