Assistant Professor
850.769.1551 ext. 2825
AdvisorDaniel Hudson, MDV
Associate Professor
850.769.1551, ext. 2833
Senior Administrative AssistantMs. Jody Walton
210 Social Science Building
Psychology, AA
Does the Study of How People Think, Feel, and Behave Interest You?
Gulf Coast State College's Psychology Option, Liberal Arts AA degree is a perfect fit for you if you are interested in understanding the behavior and mental processes of those around you. Our Psychology transfer track program is designed to provide you with broad exposure to different psychological subject areas, including general psychology, developmental psychology, human relations and selected topics in psychology, such as The Psychology of Superheros or The Positive Psychology of Pop Music.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), the median pay for psychologists in 2020 was $82,180.00 per year (Ph.D. education level). Jobs for trained psychologists are expected to increase by 3% from 2019 to 2029. The OOH lists the median pay in 2020 for school and career counselors was $58,120 per year (master’s degree education level).
Ranked 7th out of the 10 best college majors by The Princeton Review, an undergraduate degree in psychology is obviously popular, and opens the doors of many different career paths, both inside and outside the field. Whatever profession you choose to pursue, Gulf Coast State College's Psychology AA university transfer track is your first step toward reaching your goals.

Psychology Course Requirements
Biology or Biology for Science Majors I
American National Government or State and Local Government
A complete list of courses with descriptions can be found in the Catalog
What can you do with Psychology Associate of Arts?
In this field, people find careers as:
Clinical Psychologists
Cognitive and Perceptual Psychologists
Community Psychologists
Counseling Psychologists
Developmental Psychologists
Educational Psychologists
Gulf Coast alumni of this program have continued their education at:
Florida State University
Florida A&M University
University of Florida
University of West Florida

Meet Kori, GCSC Alumna / Behavioral Psychology Major at FSU
"The material made me go into deep thought about who I am as a person, and what matters most in my life. " – Gulf Coast State College Alumna, Associate in ArtsAre you ready to get started?
Apply to GCSC
Visit the Gulf Coast admissions page to learn more about the application process.
Consult the Gulf Coast State College Catalog for specific program and course information.
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There are many options available to help you pay for college. Find out more about scholarships and financial aid at Gulf Coast State College.