IT Quick Guide for Faculty
Licensing - Gulf Coast State College has site licenses for installation on college-owned equipment. Call 769-1551 extension 3222 for more information.
Requesting Additional Software - To request additional software or a different software version for a teacher station or computer lab, use the Classroom-Lab Software Installation Request.
Purchases - If you need software that is not part of the college standard, contact ITS using the Software Quote Request process to get the best deal and to ensure it will work on the current infrastructure.
Teaching Assistant - New software for the Kyocera copiers that allows you to quickly score a multiple choice test. View Instructions.
Computer Installs and Upgrades - College-owned equipment is supported by the ITS department. Computer replacements are done on a three to five year rotation based on the performance demands of the machine.
Purchases - Purchase requests for computer-related hardware are made with the Hardware Purchase Request process. You will be contacted to discuss your needs to ensure that the purchase will work with current college infrastructure, that we have the staff for support, and to provide an opportunity to learn what others are doing that could impact your purchase decision.
Repairs - For assistance contact Technical Support at 850-913-3303 or submit a ticket for the repair .
Smart Classroom Instructions - View the instructions for operating the different types of Smart Classrooms.
Standards - Standards are necessary and beneficial for the economy and efficiency of costs, personnel resources, and vendor/maintenance relationships; supported by 6A-14.0734 (2) (h) Florida Administrative Rule Procurement Requirements.