Gulf Coast State College’s Gulf/Franklin Campus is located along County Road 30-A, which is also called Garrison Avenue, near the intersection with U.S. Highway 98 in Port St. Joe, Florida.
Gulf/Franklin Campus
3800 Garrison Avenue
Port St. Joe, Florida 32456
Fax: 850.873.3524
Explore GCSC’s Gulf/Franklin Campus
Academic Programs at the Gulf/Franklin Campus
The Gulf/Franklin Campus offers evening classes in general education to meet requirements for associate degrees and college credit certificate programs.
General Education Courses
Class | Time | Date | Location |
ENG 1101 | 6:30-7:45pm EST | Monday & Wednesday | Gulf/Franklin Campus |
PSY 2012 | 6:00-8:45pm EST | Tuesday | Gulf/Franklin Campus |
The campus also offers the following occupational education programs:
Education Encore at GFC
Continuing education programs at Gulf Coast’s Gulf/Franklin Campus help you renew a professional license or learn a new technical or professional skill. Personal enrichment courses in the Education ENCORE program give Port St. Joe residents the opportunity to learn in a “no stress, no test” environment.
Campus Highlights
Many of the student services and resources available on Gulf Coast State College’s Panama City Campus are also available on the Gulf/Franklin Campus:
Academic Advising
High School AdvisorTesting:Paying for your Education |
PrintingAdministrative ServicesEducational Opportunities |
Student Services and Resources Available on Gulf Coast State College’s Panama City Campus
Located in Port St. Joe, Florida, the Gulf/Franklin Campus offers credit, continuing
education and personal enrichment programs. The satellite campus was opened in 1998
to provide a convenient, quality education to meet the area’s workforce needs.