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Gulf/Franklin Campus

Gulf Coast State College’s Gulf/Franklin Campus is located along County Road 30-A, which is also called Garrison Avenue, near the intersection with U.S. Highway 98 in Port St. Joe, Florida.

Gulf/Franklin Campus
3800 Garrison Avenue
Port St. Joe, Florida 32456
Fax: 850.873.3524

Explore GCSC’s Gulf/Franklin Campus

Academic Programs at the Gulf/Franklin Campus

The Gulf/Franklin Campus offers evening classes in general education to meet requirements for associate degrees and college credit certificate programs.

General Education Courses

Class Time Date Location
ENG 1101 6:30-7:45pm EST Monday & Wednesday Gulf/Franklin Campus
PSY 2012 6:00-8:45pm EST Tuesday Gulf/Franklin Campus

The campus also offers the following occupational education programs:

Education Encore at GFC

Continuing education programs at Gulf Coast’s Gulf/Franklin Campus help you renew a professional license or learn a new technical or professional skill. Personal enrichment courses in the Education ENCORE program give Port St. Joe residents the opportunity to learn in a “no stress, no test” environment.

Campus Highlights

Many of the student services and resources available on Gulf Coast State College’s Panama City Campus are also available on the Gulf/Franklin Campus:

Academic Advising

High School Advisor


Paying for your Education


Administrative Services

Educational Opportunities

Student Services and Resources Available on Gulf Coast State College’s Panama City Campus

Located in Port St. Joe, Florida, the Gulf/Franklin Campus offers credit, continuing education and personal enrichment programs. The satellite campus was opened in 1998 to provide a convenient, quality education to meet the area’s workforce needs.

Gulf/Franklin Campus Map
Gulf/Franklin Campus Map
Gulf Coast State College does not discriminate against any person in its programs, activities, policies or procedures on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, marital status, religion, age, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. All questions or inquiries regarding compliance with laws relating to non-discrimination and all complaints regarding sexual misconduct or discrimination, may be directed to Lee Wood, Executive Director, Human Resources/Title II/504/Title IX Coordinator and Employment Equity Officer, Gulf Coast State College, 5230 W. US Highway 98, Panama City, FL 32401.